Saturday, September 5, 2009

Our Statement of Beliefs – Triumph Prophetic Ministries

What are the major differences between this
Church and many

other churches of God ? What about our
differences with

the Messianic Jews, "Messianic Israel" groups,
and other end-

time ministries? Here is a listing of many of
the key doctrines

and beliefs. Check up and prove whether we
are right by your

own Bible!

William F. Dankenbring

About three thousand years ago, the prophet Elijah stood on
Mount Carmel and addressed all Israel. The people had forsaken God,
and turned to the worship of Baal, a pagan sun god. The truth of God
was being suppressed and apostasy was rampant.

Elijah declared, in dramatic, thundering words: "How long will
you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but
if Baal is God, follow him" (I Kings 18:21, NIV). The people did not
the courage to answer him. In the ensuing moments, Elijah challenged
and confronted the prophets of Baal, and in a supreme test, he called
down fire from heaven, which consumed his sacrifice before all the
assembled multitude (verses 36-38). When the people saw this, they
were awe-struck, and exclaimed, "The LORD – he is God! The LORD – he
is God!" (verse 39).

Two thousand years ago, the apostle Paul was faced with a
similar dilemma. It was an age of apostasy from the truth of God.
False doctrines were being taught right inside the Church of God, even
churches he had raised up. He was very concerned. Paul warned the
brethren at Thessalonica, "PROVE ALL THINGS; hold fast that which is
good" (I Thess.5:21).

In the sixteenth century A.D., the vast professing Christian
church had gone astray from the simple teachings of Christ. A rigid
formula of legalism and Catholic authoritarianism had supplanted the
true teachings of Christ. The selling of "indulgences" was widely
practiced throughout Europe as a means for the priesthood to raise
money. Nobles, rulers, and common people who had sinned, could buy
their way into heaven, or buy forgiveness by making a monetary payment
to the Church.

When Martin Luther, a new Catholic priest, wrestled with his
own conscience and conflicting Christian values, by studying the
Scriptures, he found the Catholic Church had forsaken many of the
basic teachings of Christ. After several years, his differences
caused him to be put out of the Church and declared a "heretic." In
1521 he was ordered to appear before a meeting of princes, theologians
and nobles by Charles V, emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. They
demanded that he retract his teachings.

Luther's response became historic. He replied:

"Unless I am convinced by the clear testimony of
Scripture or by clear reason

(for I do not trust either in the pope or in
councils alone, since it is well known

that they have often erred and contradicted
themselves), I am bound by the

Scriptures I have quoted and my conscience is
captive to the Word of God. I

cannot and I will not retract anything, since it
is neither safe nor right to go

against conscience. I cannot do otherwise."

Luther's example, of standing up to wrongly used authority,
which tries to suppress truth, is one of great value and worth in this
end time, when Christ said that many shall be deceived (Matt.24:5).
He warned that false prophets would deceive all but the "very elect"

But who are the "very elect"? They can only be those who are
faithfully looking into the Word of God, and not to supposed highly
esteemed human leaders, for their faith, instruction, and spiritual
understanding! God's Word is the standard for us to judge everything!
To merely follow men, because they occupy high offices in the church,
today, is a very great mistake, for God, in due time, may very well
remove them from their high office in His righteous anger and furious
indignation at their stubborn intransigence and refusal to grow in
grace, truth, and knowledge. He will surely punish all who reject
knowledge (Hosea 4:6). Those who refuse to admit error, and to repent
when proven wrong, will be cast out by Christ Himself when He returns
to establish His Kingdom!

When the leaders of the Worldwide Church of God persecuted me,
twenty years ago, and cast me out of the Church, because of my writing
books on Biblical topics, my eyes were drawn to Christ's blazing words
in Matthew 5, beginning in verse 11: "Blessed are ye, when men shall
REVILE you, and PERSECUTE you, and shall say all manner of EVIL
against you falsely, for my sake. REJOICE, and be exceeding glad: for
great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets
which were before you" (Matt.5:11-12).

Jesus went on to say, "Ye are the light of the world. A city
that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle,
and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light
unto all that are in the house.

"Let your light so SHINE BEFORE MEN, that they may SEE you good
works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven" (Matt.5:14-16).
God wants us to let our light SHINE FORTH. If and when He grants us
graciously new truth and understanding, of His Word, or the amazing
prophecies for the end time, we are commanded by Christ to LET IT
SHINE FORTH! It would be a sin to bury it, or suppress it or to hide
it under a pot or bed!

But when we do so, we must be prepared to pay the price, even
if it means being "cast out" of any modern church congregation which
claims to be the true Church of God! Mere human claims themselves
mean nothing. It is the proven, Scriptural TRUTH that counts! Jesus
said, "You shall know the TRUTH; and the TRUTH shall make you FREE"
(John 8:32).

In this article I am going to briefly discuss the ways in which
we, in this ministry, are different from other churches in our
teachings, doctrines, and Scriptural understanding.

I urge you to study this article carefully, and then do further
research, and send for the more in-depth articles which give
additional proof, evidence and insight into our belief structure. In
fact, I CHALLENGE you to do so – for your own salvation could be at
stake! Surely you don't want to be deceived, or to believe a "lie",
do you? Don't be like the person who once said: "My mind's made up
– don't confuse me with the facts!"

In each one of these areas you can study for yourself, and
PROVE the truth! It is up to YOU.


#1 -- the Primacy of Peter—Peter was not the "chief apostle."

The Catholic Church, of course, had always claimed this.
However, Jesus told His disciple that they were not to call one
another, or select ones among themselves, "Rabbi," or "Master," or
"Lord," "for ONE is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren"
(Matt.23:8). Peter was not over the other apostles in authority.
Rather, he and Paul were equals (see Galatians 2:7-9). If Peter had
been over Paul in authority, then Paul would have sinned by his
rebuking Peter publicly (Gal.2:11-14). The truth is that Peter was the
apostle to the Jews; Paul was the apostle sent to the Gentiles; and
the other apostles were sent by God to other tribes of Israel.

#2 – No one group constitutes the "One True Church" as some claim.

The claim that any one church is God's "ONLY" true church is
sheer nonsense. God's Church is a spiritual organism, not a human
corporation. It comprises all those in all Churches who have truly
surrendered their lives to Christ in baptism, and have repented of
their sins, and are serving Christ to the best of their knowledge and
understanding of the Word of God (Acts 2:38). Therefore, although all
Churches today have gone astray in some measure, some much more than
others, it is very possible for many true Christians to be members of
several different Churches (all of which, in spiritual type, are
described in Revelation 2-3), including Adventists, Church of God
Seventh Day, other smaller groups, and various Evangelical churches.
Who are we to try to sit in judgment of others? The Word of God will
judge each and every individual. A careful study of Revelation 2-3,
the letters to the seven churches, shows the Church of God would
become like a tree with several main branches in the end times, yet
one original root.

Write for our article, "The Seven Churches of Revelation," "The
Nicolaitans," and "Where Is the True Church?"

#3 -- Christians definitely DO need to "qualify" for Salvation!

Of course, the Scriptures show that we are justified by Faith,
not by works; and we are saved by Faith, not by human effort, rituals,
or works (Eph.2:8-9). Nevertheless, good deeds ARE necessary for
salvation (verse 10), because God has ordained that we walk in them.
If we don't, we disobey Him and break His commandments. Jesus said to
enter life we must "keep the commandments" (Matt.19:17).

Any dictionary shows that "qualify" does not mean "earn," as a
"reward." Rather, it is a non-religious term and simply means "get
ready for," "to prepare for," "meet the conditions for." To be saved,
we must meet God's conditions for salvation – which are belief in
Christ, repentance, and surrender to Christ, to serve Him all our
lives (Acts 2:38; 5:32; Matt.24:13). Indeed, we MUST "qualify' to
meet Christ – we must "become worthy" – we must be clothed in garments
of righteousness. Those who do not "qualify," will be cast into outer
darkness (see Matt.22:11-13). The bride of Christ will be composed
only of those who have made themselves ready! As John was told by the
angel, "for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made
herself READY" (Rev.19:7) – that is, she "qualified"!

#4 – Salvation is dependent on Repentance from sin, accepting Yeshua
(Jesus Christ) as Saviour, and Baptism by immersion, and receiving the
Holy Spirit, and then "enduring to the end," "overcoming," and keeping
God's commandments – obedience.

Peter wrote to those who sought to be saved, "Repent, and be
baptized, every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the
remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit"
(Acts 2:38). From that point, we must OBEY God and keep His
commandments, through the power and help of the indwelling Holy
Spirit, "which God has given to them that OBEY Him" (Acts 5:32).

Read more about these requirements in our articles, "What Is Real
Repentance?", "Truth about Baptism," and "Is Obedience Required for
Salvation?" and "The Spirit in Man."

#5 – God's Sabbath day is still in effect today. The seventh day
Sabbath was NEVER abolished or done away!

The Sabbath was created on the seventh day of Creation by
God's resting (Gen.2:1-3). God commands His people to "remember" that
day and to rest upon it (Exo.20:8-11). It is a special SIGN between
Him and His true people FOREVER (Exo.31:12-17).

For the truth on this subject, write for our booklet, "A
New Look at the Sabbath."

#6 – the New Covenant ESTABLISHES the laws of God. The Ten
Commandments and whole law of God (except the ritualistic, sacrificial
laws) are in force, TODAY!

The Law of God was not "nailed to the cross." Jesus
Christ, Yeshua the Messiah, was – because of our SINS! He paid the
penalty for our breaking God's laws and sinning, which is
transgression of the Law (I John 3:4).

Jesus Christ said He did not come to abolish or destroy
ONE JOT OR TITTLE of the Laws of God (Matt.5:17-19). He told a young
rich man who asked Him the way to eternal life, "If you would enter
into life, KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS" (Matt.19:17).

The apostle Paul clearly taught that God's Law is "holy,
just, and good" (Rom.7:12). He said that God's law is SPIRITUAL
(Rom.7:14), and that which is spiritual is ETERNAL (II Cor.4:17-19).
David also spoke highly of the law of God – read Psalm 119. How could
God do away with His Law, which is the very essence of His own
spiritual CHARACTER and likeness?

Write for the articles "Is Obedience Required for
Salvation?" "A New Look at Galatians," and "Is the Law Nailed to the

#7– True believers should NOT consume "unclean meats," such as pork,
shellfish, catfish, swordfish, shrimp, oysters, clams, lobsters, etc.
(see Leviticus 11).

The dietary laws of God are still in force. They are actually LAWS OF
HEALTH, as well as spiritual laws. God's people should also not eat
the fat or blood of animals. Write for the article, "Should a
Christian Eat Unclean Meats?" and the articles "Bible Heal Laws," and
"The Keys to Robust Health."

#8 – Christians should observe the Annual Holy Days of God.

The annual holy days of God, listed in Leviticus 23, show
the plan of God and were commanded to be observed FOREVER (see Exo.12;
Lev.23). Write for our articles, "Does It Matter Which Days We
Observe?" and "Annual Holy Days Reveal the Plan of God."

#9 – Christians should NOT observe PAGAN religious holidays, such as
Christmas and Easter and Halloween.

Christmas derives from the Roman Saturnalia, or winter
festival, and the observance of the "birthday" of Sol, the sun god, or
"Mithra." It is pagan to the core. Write for our article, "The
Shocking Origin of Christmas." Christ was born NOWHERE NEAR this
pagan holiday!

Likewise, Easter is another name for the spring goddess of
fertility – another name for Semiramis, wife of Nimrod, the arch-rebel
against God after the Flood. Its celebration has nothing to do with
the real resurrection of Christ, and its "Easter eggs" – a symbol of
fertility among the pagans – and "bunnies" – another pagan symbol of
reproduction, and "hot cross buns" – a custom going back to the
worship of the pagan "Queen of Heaven" – is also an abomination to
God. So are Easter "sunrise services" (see Ezek.8:16). Write for our
article, "The Origin of Easter."

Halloween has its pagan, occult origin stamped all over its
face. Write for our article "The Ghoulish Horror of Halloween."

#10 – Cremation is not a godly practice. God's people should be
buried properly when they die, as Christ was, and David, and the

The Bible clearly shows from Genesis to Revelation that
Cremation is a pagan practice, stemming from the doctrine of the
immorality of the soul. It is also a type of the '"ake of fire" which
will consume the wicked. The Bible example of all the saints is
burial, in expectation of the resurrection. Christ Himself was
buried, setting us an example (I Pet.2:21, I John 2:6). My article
"Is Cremation Pagan?" proves beyond question that cremation is a
practice Christians should avoid.

#11 – God is NOT a "Trinity." There is but ONE God. God is actually
a "Family" as God is in the process of creating sons in His very own
"image and likeness."

The Scriptures teach that God is expanding His own Family,
by creating beings like Himself, through our being "born again" of His

The teaching of the mainstream churches that God is a "Trinity"
composed of three Persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – is in gross
error and is a pagan concept going back to Nimrod, Semiramis, and
Tammuz – the original pagan "trinity" of father, mother and child.

Is God a "Trinity"? Or is God a FAMILY? What is the TRUTH about
the Godhead? What is the ORIGIN of the "Trinity"? Write for our
articles, "Is God a Trinity?" and "The Trinity Doctrine – Is It
Biblical?" Also write for "The Only True God,," "Is God Reproducing
Himself?", "The Genesis Factor – The Mystery of God."

#12 – Jesus Christ (Yeshua) was the "firstborn" of all Creation – that
is, He had a beginning, even though He is now "the Son of God," and is
One of the two Beings who compose the "Godhead."

To many folks, this statement may border on blasphemy – but it is
true, and proved by your very own Bible. What is the true ORIGIN of
Jesus Christ? Did He pre-exist? Is He "equal" to the Father? This
theological question baffles both Worldwide and all of its offshoots.

What about Christ Himself? Was He ALWAYS "co-equal, co-eternal"
with the Father? If so, why did He Himself state, "The Father is
greater than I" (John 14:28)? And why did He say of the Father, that
He is "the only true God" (John 17:3)? Also, why did Paul write, "But
to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we
in him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by
him" (I Cor.8:6)?

The Bible clearly reveals that Christ became a true Son of the
Father, and was the "beginning of the Creation of God" (Rev.3:14) --
the "firstborn of ALL CREATION" (Col.1:15).

This is a fascinating subject, too long to attempt to explain
here. If you would like to know the truth about the "Mystery of God,"
write for our articles, "Who Or What Was Jesus Christ Before His Human
Birth?", "Was Christ Created?", "Is God Reproducing Himself?", "Is
Jesus God?", and "The Pre-Existence of Christ."

#13 – The true Biblical Passover is to be observed at the END of Nisan
14 – not at the beginning thereof. It is a full MEAL which includes a
"seder" or "teaching" portion.

This may seem utterly shocking to many, but the Jews have
observed the Passover correctly, at the right time, and in the right
manner, all these centuries. Their only mistake is that they do not
see how Christ fulfilled the Passover, as our Passover Lamb (I
Cor.5:7). Nevertheless, they never lost track of sacred time.
Historically, they always slew the Passover lambs at the END of the
14th of Nisan, in the LATE AFTERNOON – not just after sunset on the
previous evening! All historical records prove this to be true.
Therefore, the historic date for eating the Passover meal has always
been the evening of Nisan 15, AFTER the lambs were slain in the end of
Nisan 14.

When Jesus Christ met with His disciples, for His final meal, it
was actually two nights before His crucifixion, and He was actually
eating a regular mean – a meal with special significance, yes, but it
was NOT the "Passover"! Jesus could not eat of the regular, normal
Passover that year, for obvious reasons – He would be dead and in His
grave, fulfilling His role as our Passover Lamb slain for us! To
prove this fact, read our article "A Profound New Look at Jesus' Last

I might also mention that the Passover in ancient times was
always a FAMILY affair, celebrated at home, with the father or a
leading man leading the ceremony. A special "seder plate" was used,
in which – as God commanded – there was matzos (unleavened bread),
"bitter herbs," and the shankbone of a lamb (reminding us of the lambs
which were sacrificed at the place where God put His name, the Temple
of God and holy city of Jerusalem). Today, however, some claim to
observe Passover, but no children allowed, and they keep it as a
solemn, grave, austere ceremony – like a Catholic mass – with the
atmosphere being almost "funereal." What a travesty and absurdity!
Write for our free booklet, "The Christian-Messianic Passover
Hagaddah," for more information on HOW this wonderful festival should
be observed by each family group, at home!

Write for our free articles, "When Should the Passover Be
Observed?" "The New Testament Passover,"' "A New Look at the
Passover," "The Awesome Passover – Its Mystery and Meaning," and "Luke
on the Passover," as well as "Do We Neglect the Sacred Meal?"

#14 – Pentecost should be observed 50 days after Passover – which
generally is on Sivan 6 – and NOT on a Sunday every year as Worldwide,
its remnants, and many Messianic groups, claim.

When should we observe Pentecost? Some churches, however,
keep Pentecost by counting from the day after the weekly Sabbath
occurring during the days of Unleavened Bread. What is the truth?

Jesus Christ said the Pharisees sat in Moses' seat (Matt.23:2-3),
not the Sadducees, and that we should "do all therefore whatsoever
they bid you observe." The Pharisees always counted Pentecost from the
day after the first annual Sabbath which began the Feast of Unleavened
Bread. They were a conservative religious sect, whereas the Sadducees
were a very liberal, politically oriented sect which even denied the
resurrection, the existence of angels, and spirit (Acts 23:8). The
apostle Paul himself had been a Pharisee (Acts 23:6). Strange, isn't
it, that some churches of God would follow after the liberal and loose
Sadducees, instead of the custom of those whom Jesus said the apostles
should look to (Matt.23:2)! Likewise, the pagan Samaritans counted
from the day after the weekly Sabbath.

Who were these Samaritans? They were pagans who occupied the
territory of northern Israel after the ten tribes were taken captive
by Assyria, developed a strange religion combining elements of the Old
Testament, perverting them, and adding to them pagan doctrines (see II
Kings 17:23-41). These Samaritans even built their own temple on
Mount Gerizim. But Jesus said of them, "Ye worship ye know not what"
(John 4:22). Should the Church follow their example?

The Septuagint plainly says we should count from the first day
of Passover – not from Sunday. Write for our free articles "The
Incredible Truth about Pentecost," "Pentecost – the Final Answer," and
"How to Count Pentecost." Also, "The Awesome Saga of Pentecost."

15 – The Feast of Trumpets is the "Feast of Shouting," or "Crying
Aloud." It should be celebrated with self-examination, repentance,
and blowing of the shofars – ram's horns – calling God's people to

God says regarding the Festival of Trumpets, "On the first day of
the seventh month you are to have a day of rest, a sacred assembly
commemorated with trumpet blasts" (Lev.23:23, NIV). And again, "On
the first day of the seventh month hold a sacred assembly and do no
regular work. It is a day for you to sound the trumpets" (Num.29:1).

Do you know of ANY Church of God which blows the trumpet – the
Biblical SHOFAR – on the "Festival of Trumpets"? Yet the commandment
is very specific. It is the heart and soul of the "Feast of
Trumpets." Why do we think God named it, "Feast of Trumpets," or
"Blowing" or "Sounding"? The commandment that we are to literally
blow the trumpets on this day is very plain, and yet totally

Furthermore, most of the churches claim that this festival
portrays the great trumpet which will be blown at the second coming of
Jesus Christ. Yet it is not called the "Feast of the Great Trumpet,"
but rather, "The Feast of Trumpets" – PLURAL! This involves many
trumpet blasts which are blown during this day. This festival does
not portray the second coming of the Messiah at all, but rather is a
day of WARNING, and URGENCY, a day picturing God's great call to
REPENTANCE going out to the world, as He begins to rain down His
"trumpet plagues" (see Revelation 8-9) upon the nations of the world
for their disobedience to His divine laws. Write for our free
article, "Amazing New Insight on the Feast of Trumpets."

#16 – The Feast of Tabernacles, dwelling in "booths," rejoicing with "lulavs."

In Leviticus 23 we read that there are two aspects of the Feast
of Tabernacles which are central to its proper observance. We are
commanded to "take to ourselves" the branches or "fruit" of various
trees and plants, and to use them to "rejoice" before the Lord! The
NIV Bible translation puts it this way: "On the first day you are to
take choice fruit from the trees, and palm fronds, and leafy branches
and poplars, and REJOICE before the Lord your God seven days"
(Lev.23:40). This speaks of the special "bundle" the Jews call the
lulav, which is held in the hands and waved before the Lord in an act
of celebration, rejoicing, and worship!

The second commandment concerning this Festival which Herbert
Armstrong overlooked states: "Live in BOOTHS for seven days" (v.42).
These were little "huts" which were constructed by the people and
dwelled in during the Feast (compare Nehemiah 8:14-17). To learn more
about HOW we should celebrate God's Feast today, write for our two
articles, "The Deep Meaning of the Feast of Tabernacles," and "Secrets
of the Sukkah."

#17 – The True Bible Calendar.

God's Calendar was changed by the Jews in 357-58 A.D. to include
"postponements," which altered the calendar, and the New Moons
(beginning days of the months) were changed because the New Moon was
no longer visually observed and declared the first day of the month,
as it was in Bible times.

What is the true CALENDAR of God?

This leads us into one of the most fundamental ERRORS of most
modern churches which claim to follow Jesus Christ and accept Him as
Messiah and His Word and Example as Law and which follow the Jewish

That is this: The Jewish calendar is in ERROR! CHANGES in the
Biblical calendar were made by the Jewish rabbis in the fourth century
after Christ!

What calendar should God's people use to celebrate and calculate
the annual festivals?

In recent years, God has increased our understanding of
His Word and His commandments. One of the most important areas of
discovery is the correct, inspired CALENDAR of God!

Most people do not realize it, but God gives a very
specific calendar in His Word, one which begins with the month of
Nisan in the spring. He also tells us that the beginning day of each
month is a "New Moon." History shows us that the New Moon in ancient
Israel was the first slender crescent of the moon after it had been
occluded during the "dark" of the moon.

However, the record of history shows us that the Jews CHANGED THE
CALENDAR in 358 A.D., four centuries after Christ, and substituted in
its place a "fixed," artificial calendar which altered the New Moons,
changed the Holy Days, and POSTPONED these days by adding Jewish
traditions to the calendar! The Jews themselves make no bones about
this change; in fact, they even boast about it! It is clearly
documented in the Jewish Encyclopedia, and many Jewish books deal with
the subject. But was this fundamental change endorsed by God and His
Word? If so, where's the proof?

And why did the Jews in 358 A.D. add "POSTPONEMENTS" TO THE CALENDAR?
The sad truth is, they decided that if the day of Yom Kippur fell on a
Friday or a Sunday, that was too close to the weekly Sabbath day, so
they altered the calendar, and postponed Tishri 1, the Feast of
Trumpets, by delaying it a day – so as not to "interfere" with the
weekly Sabbath! And other "postponements" they added!

The amazing fact is, however, during Biblical times and the time of
the Second Temple, no such calendar postponements were ever allowed or
sanctioned! These changes were in direct violation of the true
calendar of God, and were made merely in order to keep various
"traditions" which had been added through the years.

The truth is, however, not every Jewish group today goes along with
this calendar change made by rabbis in the fourth century. In
particular, the Karaite Jews in modern day Israel have denounced the
calendar changes made by the rabbinic authorities as heresy and error,
and they have re-instituted the true calendar of God, carefully
observing the New Moons every month from Israel, and proclaiming them,
just as was done in Biblical times !

The secret of the true sacred Calendar of God is vital,
strategic spiritual information we all need to KNOW, and KNOW that we
know! It is crucial knowledge which helps us in our efforts to keep
God's Holy Days at the appropriate times, and to obey God in ALL

Write for our free book, "The Bible Calendar," proving the
TRUTH about God's own Calendar, the Bible Calendar, and how we should
calculate the annual Holy Days in the very same manner in which they
were observed during the time of Jesus Christ and the apostles.

#18 – The New Moons.

The apostle Paul wrote, "Therefore do not let anyone judge you by
what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, A NEW
MOON CELEBRATION or a Sabbath day" (Col.2:16, NIV). What's all this
about "New Moons"? Here Paul lists the New Moons along with the
annual Festivals and the weekly Sabbath day. We know we are to
observe the annual Sabbath Days and the weekly Sabbath. But what
about the New Moon days? Doesn't this indicate we should observe the
New Moons along with the annual Holy Days and as well as the Sabbath

There is much more to this than most might think. The day of the
New Moon, when the first faint crescent of the moon was seen in
ancient Israel, was observed as a semi-holy day, as a day when limited
work was often done, a day set apart for the beginning of a new month,
when special sacrifices were offered at the Temple of God (see Numbers

Notice also what God says about the future, when the Messiah
returns: "From one New Moon to another and from one Sabbath to
another, all mankind will come and bow down before me,' says the LORD"
(Isaiah 66:23, NIV). Obviously, the New Moons will be looked upon as
special days, when worship is done, during the Millennial reign of

Have people been ignoring and neglecting this day and what it
represents? Here again is an area where people have fallen short of
the mark, and neglected observance of God's New Moons – the first day
of each month of the true Biblical calendar!

Write for our article, "Should Christians Observe the New Moons?"

#19 – Shemini Atzeret – a Day picturing eternity.

Shemini Atzeret is the eighth day of the Feast of
Tabernacles, an entirely different Feast, really (Lev.23:39). After
dwelling in booths for seven days, during the "Feast of Booths,," the
people then left the booths and had a special Sabbath day, "The Eighth
Day," when they assembled before God. This day does not picture, as
many think, the Great White Throne Judgement. It pictures "a new
beginning" – the Day which represents "the New Heavens and New Earth."
Read our article which explains the true meaning of this remarkable
day, "Shemini Atzeret – the Eighth Day."

#20 – Hoshana Rabbah – theFinal Day of Salvation and Judgment.

Hoshana Rabbah means "the Great Hoshana," or the "Great
Salvation." It is the seventh day of the Feast of Tabernacles, a day
picturing when all mankind will have an opporunitiy to be saved at the
end of the thousand year Millennium. It is also called "The Great
White Throne Judgment." To learn more about this fantastic day, read
our articles "The Mystery of Hoshanah Rabbah," and "What's All This
about the Resurrection?" Learn the awesome meaning of this day and HOW
it should be observed!

#21 – The True Names of God.

Many "holy names" sects make a huge case out of exactly
how we are to pronounce the "name" of God. Some say one thing, others
stoutly maintain their pronunciation. The arguments do seem to get
tedious and ridiculous at times.

On the other hand, others flee away from the Hebrew names
for God and Christ, and put people out of their church if they attempt
to use them! Yet they claim to preach the "whole" gospel!

This subject has been beaten to death by sectarians,
cults, and disingenuous ministers and religious leaders. Read a
careful, thoughtful analysis of this subject in our booklet, "The
Sacred Names of God."

#22 – Daniel's 2300 Day Prophecy.

Many think Daniel's 2300 days are really 1150 days, were
fulfilled as such in the days of Antiochus Epiphanes, and do not
really apply today. They are wrong on both accounts!

The Bible itself clearly shows that an "evening and a morning"
equal one day (Genesis 1), and 2300 evenings and mornings equal 2300
days (see Adam Clark's Commentary, Jamieson, Faucet and Brown's
Commentary). Thus 2300 days equals 2300 years in fulfillment
(Num.14:34; Ezek.4:6). During the time of Antiochus, the abomination
of desolation lasted exactly three years – not 1150 days. History
proves it!

Amazing as it sounds, from the date Alexander the Great first
defeated the Persians at the Granicus River in 334 B.C. till the Six
Day War in 1967 when Israel recaptured the Temple mount was exactly
2300 years! Read my article, "Daniel's 2300 Day Prophecy Revealed at

# 23 – Daniel's 1260,1290 and 1335 Days.

In the last chapter of Daniel a mysterious prophecy of 1260,
1290 and 1335 days is given. Daniel is told, "Blessed is he that
waiteth, and cometh to the 1335 days" (verse 12). This clearly
implies the 1335 continues on beyond the end of the 1260 and 1290.
This suggests that the 1290 continues on past the 1260. In other
words, all three periods of time BEGIN at the same point. They do not
end at the same point.

Daniel 9:27 says the coming prince who destroys Jerusalem shall
cause the sacrifice to cease "in the midst of the week" – the week
being the final seven years of this age. The "midst of the week"
would be at the 3 and one half year point, or 1260 days from the
return of Christ (see Rev.13:5; 12:6,14). This is the same point when
the Church flees to safety (Rev.12:14). The Church flees when it sees
the "abomination of desolation set up" (Matt.24:15-16). This is 1260
days before the return of Christ (Rev.12:6, 14). Yet Daniel 12:11
says that from the time the daily sacrifice is taken away is when the
1290 days also begins! Thus the 1260 and 1290 days begin at the same
time! The 1290 ends 30 days later – probably the month of the
re-gathering of Israel after Christ returns. The 1335 could refer to
the "blessed" event of the marriage feast of the Lamb and His bride,
the Church (compare Rev.19:7-9 and Dan.12:12). Write for our articles
"Daniel's 1260, 1290, and 1335 Days Prophecy," and "The Year 2006 in
Bible Prophecy!"

#24 -- A Temple WILL be rebuilt in Jerusalem!

The prophecies of the Bible very plainly teach that a
real, literal, physical temple or sanctuary will exist on the Temple
Mount before Christ returns.

For evidence and proof that a temple or sanctuary must be
rebuilt prior to the return of Christ, compare II Thess.2:4;
Rev.11:1-2; Matt.24:15; Dan.9:26-27; Dan.8:11-13; Dan.11:31; Psalm
79:1, for starters. Also, send for the article, "Will a Temple be
Rebuilt in Jerusalem?"

#25 -- Truth about Divorce and Remarriage.

Jesus plainly said that in the case of "fornication" – porneia,
in the Greek – a marriage was not binding, and the partners would be
free to remarry. Some are seemingly blind to the definition of this
word as found in Greek lexicons, and insist it only applies to
"premarital sex" when used in the New Testament! Yet Paul used it in
I Corinthians 6:18, which Moffatt translates as "immorality."

The truth is, porneia refers to all kinds of sexual sins,
promiscuity, whoredom, adultery, harlotry, as well as premarital sex!
This simple understanding would have saved thousands of families from
incredible needless suffering and spiritual "martyrdom." Broken homes,
with children the innocent victims, would have been saved, rather than
imperiously destroyed in order to satisfy a rigid and heartless
misinterpretation of Scripture!

If you would like to read the real "plain truth" about
divorce and remarriage, according to the Bible, then write for our
article on the subject. It will make it truly plain and
understandable. Write for our booklet, "Marriage and Divorce."

#26 -- Tithing.

To tithe, or not to tithe? That is the question Hamlet
might have posed, had he been a seeker of religious truth!

Many churches and ministers have abused the tithing principle.
Like greedy hogs, they have devoured the tithe for their own
appetites, and stolen from God and God's peope.

This abuse of authority and corruption of the use of money is
standard operating procedure for human nature, of course. An old
saying goes, "Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely." It
was corruption and the abuse of money that led to the Reformation in
the Middle Ages, even more than doctrinal error.

The truth is, Jesus taught tithing as a commandment or law of
God which we should obey (Matt.23:23) – He said He did not come to
abolish ONE SINGLE SOLITARY law of God (Matt.5:17-19) – He never
intended His Church to make "tithing" such a burden on the backs of
the people of God! Of course, true Christians should "tithe" ten
percent of their income, as faithful Abraham and Jacob did, to God, as
the means of support for the New Testament Church ministry (Gen.14:20;
28:22; I Cor.9:7-14).

The truth is, tithing was a law of God BEFORE the Levitical
priesthood even existed (Gen.26:5). The tithe was later transferred
to the Levites, for their support (Lev.27:30-32; Num.18:21). However,
when Christ came and instituted the Church, He transferred the tithe
from the Levites to His ministry (Heb.7:4-12). "For the priesthood
being CHANGED, there is made of necessity a change also of the law."
Notice! Not a doing away with the tithing law, but a CHANGE IN THE
LAW! What change? A change necessitated because of the change in
priesthoods, from Levitical to Melchisedek! Christ is a high priest
after the order of Melchisedek. Now the tithes should go to HIS
representatives – the true ministers of God – for the support of God's
true endi-time Work on this earthWrite for our booklet, "What's All
This about Tithing?"

#27 – Church Authority.

Some churches have adopted a very rigid and lofty form of
Church Government. Ministers "rule" over the flock, potentially in
every area of their lives. Members are encouraged to counsel with
their local minister in just about everything. Ministers take
authority to even judge people's attitudes and to disfellowship
individuals who disagree with them on some minor point or issue. Of
course, sometimes the minister errs and gets caught, and is
reprimanded, but nevertheless the abuse of authority was and is

Jesus Christ never approved of such an approach toward
Church government. Peter said elders should feed the flock of God
"which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint
but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; neither as
being LORDS over God's heritage, but being ensamples to the flock" (I

Christ Himself warned His disciples, "But he that is greatest
among you shall be your servant" (Matt.23:11). He cautioned His
disciples, "Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles EXERCISE DOMINION
over them, and they that are great exercise AUTHORITY upon them. But
it shall not be so among you.- but whosoever will be great among you,
let him be your minister; and whosoever will be chief among you, let
him be your servant" (Matt.20:25-27).

Somewhere over the years this concept of the loving shepherd
leading his flock with love and devotion has been lost. Instead, we
find human nature coming to the forefront and ministers wielding
authority like tiny despots, little hitters, and even prying into
peoples lives and advising them on such silly things as what color
truck or automobile to purchase.

Perversely, it seems like some gullible sheep have a strong
sheep instinct to conform, and they enjoy being humiliated and abused,
like some battered wives. At least they get attention that way! Paul
had to face this same problem. He wrote to the Corinthians, "For ye
suffer fools gladly, seeing ye yourselves are wise. For ye suffer, if
a man BRING YOU INTO BONDAGE, if a man DEVOUR YOU, if a man take of
you, if a man EXALT HIMSELF, if a man SMITE YOU ON THE FACE" (II

Incredible, isn't it? Yet so many brethren seemed to actually
enjoy being beaten down by authoritarian ministers! Today we live in
the age of the "Monster Minister," who brags, struts, puffs out his
chest and barks orders like a gunnery sergeant in the army! God calls
them "CRUEL shepherds" (Jer.23; Ezek.34), who rule over the flock with
FORCE! Write for the articles on "Is There Government in the Church
of God?", "The Plain Truth about Church Authority," and "Crisis in the
Worldwide Church of God – the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly."

#28 – Rapture and Place of Safety.

In Revelation 12 we read that God will protect some of His
people from Satan's wrath "in the wilderness" (Rev.12:14). Jesus
warned His servants that when they saw Jerusalem surrounded by armies,
they should flee to the mountains of Judea (Matt.24:16).

Most churches today believe rather that the saints will be
secretly "raptured" to heaven to escape the Great Tribulation and time
of trouble on the earth in the end times. If this were so, then why
does the Scripture say His coming will be with a loud voice, a
thundering trumpet blast, and every eye will SEE Him (Matt.24:30-32; I
Cor.15:50-52; Rev.1:7)?

Where is the future "place of safety"? No Scripture shows it
to be in heaven. However, Revelation 12:6 shows that during the
Middle Ages the Church fled the boundaries of the Roman Empire to "the
wilderness, where she had a place prepared of God." At that time the
Church fled to the mountains of eastern Europe, and southern France,
and Germany, and into western Europe and England. Thus this "place
prepared of God" need not be a desert rocky wasteland such as Petra at
all, but can refer to any mountainous region beyond the "reach" of the
future Babylonian-Roman Empire. It could include many places where
individual congregations or groups of God's people find refuge –
places throughout the nations of modem Israel – mountainous areas in
the United States, Canada, England, Australia, New Zealand, and so

Write for the articles "Amazing New Evidence – Where Is the
Place of Safety?" Also write for the article, "The Rapture – Fact or

#28 – The Identity of Elijah.

Some churches think Herbert Armstrong as the end-time "Elijah." Some
make this belief a condition for baptism! This is very strange,
because he predicted the return of Jesus Christ to occur at the END of
World War II! Then later he claimed Christ would return in "1975" and
wrote a booklet entitled "1975 in Prophecy"!

Although God did use Herbert and Loma Armstrong to raise up a
Work of God during these end-times, and in some areas Herbert
Armstrong did recapture a certain amount of truth and true values,
nevertheless, in the final analysis he was not the prophesied Elijah
to come. The one coming in the power and spirit of Elijah is yet to
appear. Herbert Armstrong died before the culmination of prophetic
events. The Elijah to come will very likely be one of the two
witnesses (Rev. 11).

Herbert Armstrong's own family deserted him and left the Church
he founded. His daughters left the Church years ago when the Church
legislated on the issue of cosmetics and make up. His son rebelled
against Herbert Armstrong in 1978 in a power struggle over who was to
run the Church. The Church has not had much success in dealing with
its young people, and the children of members. Yet the Elijah to come
is to be one who "shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children,
and the heart of the children to their fathers" (Mal.4:6). Herbert
Armstrong did not even succeed with his own family!

Herbert Armstrong could hardly have been the Elijah to come who
truly will bring families back together. Because of the teachings of
Herbert Armstrong on divorce and remarriage, he did more to break up
homes and marriages than any other minister in modern times! And his
neglect of spending time with his own children as they grew up, and
abuse toward them, set a tragic example for the entire Church of God,

Documentation is available for those who desire it. Write for
our articles, "How Are The Mighty Fallen!" "Prophetic Errors of
Herbert Armstrong," and "Could Herbert Armstrong be the 'Elijah' to

#29 – Truth about anointing and ordination of ministers.

Jesus Christ commanded His disciples, to whom He gave the command to
preach the gospel to every creature, and the command to teach all
nations (Matt.28:19), to also teach those who repent and believe "ALL

In other words, the command to preach the gospel was
passed down to EVERY MEMBER of the Church, according to their ability
and talents. Today, if any deacon or lay member were to "preach"
without authorization from headquarters, they would be
disfellowshipped! However, this was not the way things were done in
the apostolic Church. In that Church even deacons who were not
ordained as elders did mighty works, and were "full of faith and
power" (Acts 6:8).

In Acts 8 we find that great persecution came upon the
Church after the death of Stephen, and the brethren "were all
scattered abroad throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, except
the apostles" (Acts 8:1). What did these scattered lay members do?
Did they remain silent, and leave the preaching to the apostles?
Notice! "Therefore they that were scattered abroad went everywhere

One of these early unordained "preachers" whom God
inspired was a deacon named Philip. What did Philip do? "Then Philip
went down to the city of Samaria, and PREACHED CHRIST unto them. And
the people with one accord gave heed unto those things which Philip
spake, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did" (Acts 8:5-6).

Some churches have even disfellowshiped lay members who
dared to "preach" without "proper authorization" from the
"headquarters" of the church!

Philip was "preaching those things concerning the kingdom
of God, and the name of Jesus Christ" (Acts 8:12) – yet he was not
ordained as a minister or elder, he was a deacon!

In the New Testament we do find that there are different
offices in the Church of God (Eph.4:11-13). Each person received
different "gifts" of the Spirit of God (Eph.4:11; I Cor.12:31; I
Cor.12:28). There is no indication that the early Church had separate
"ordination ceremonies" for men achieving different "ranks" in the
ministry. Rather, the only kind of ordination described was for the
office of "elder." These other "offices" were gifts of God's Spirit,
not "ranks" of the ministry! Write for our articles, "Truth about
Anointing and Laying on of Hands," and "How Should a Minister Be

#30 – Any Prophets Today?

The Worldwide Church of God and its off-shoots and remnant
churches most all claim there is no need of "prophets" in the church

There were prophets in the early Church of God. There were also
prophetesses (see Acts 21:9-14). They performed a vital function in
the Church. They were necessary. Yet you would think that if any age
of the Church did NOT "need" prophets, it would have been the first
century Church, because they had the very 12 apostles among them,
besides the 120 who had followed Christ and heard Him teach,
personally (Acts 1:15). Surely, in our day, we would need prophets
far more than they did!

The apostle Paul clearly described the office of "prophet" as
being important to the Church. He wrote to the Corinthians, "And God
hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily PROPHETS,
thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps,
governments, diversities of tongues" (I Cor.12:28).

Paul wrote to the Ephesians, "And He gave some, apostles; and
some, PROPHETS; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers"
(Eph.4:11). In fact, prophets were considered part of the FOUNDATION
of the Church (Eph.2:20). Paul wrote of the "mystery of Christ, which
was not made known to men in other generations as it has now been
revealed by the Spirit to God's holy apostles AND PROPHETS" (Eph.3:5,

Scripture reveals God has always sent prophets ESPECIALLY when
the ministers or priests failed to do their duty, corrupted God's
truth, and began to apostatize from the way of God! Today the
ministry has a "prophesy not" attitude, just as was foretold in the
book of Amos (Amos 2:12). God says He will do nothing without first
revealing His plan and activity to His servants THE PROPHETS (Amos
3:6-7). God raises up prophets DURING A TIME OF CRISIS!

We are living in a time of unprecedented crisis, both in the
world AND IN THE CHURCH OF GOD, right now!

The 14th chapter of I Corinthians deals almost entirely with
the "gift of prophecy" (I Cor.14:1). Paul said it is something we
should all desire (same verse). He adds, "Wherefore, brethren, COVET
TO PROPHESY" (verse 39). And, to those who are negatively disposed to
the idea of prophets, Paul warns, "Despise not prophesyings" (I

Will there be prophets of God during these end times? Of
course there will be! Peter was inspired to write, quoting from the
prophet Joel, "And it shall come to pass IN THE LAST DAYS, saith God,
I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your
daughters SHALL PROPHESY. . ." (Acts 2:17-18).

I could go on and on, but this should be sufficient. If you
would like to study this subject further, then write for the articles,
"Are There Any Prophets Today?" "Elijah Will Come Again!", "Elijah the
Fiery Prophet!"

#31 – Doctors, Medicines and Healing.

In the Bible God clearly says He is Yahveh-Ropheka, or "God our
Healer" (Exodus 15:26). He says, "I am the Lord that healeth thee"
(same verse). He also says if we keep His commandments, "I will put
NONE of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the
Egyptians." Evidence shows the ancient Egyptians were smitten with
all the so-called modern degenerative diseases, the diseases of
civilization, including heart disease, cancer, and diseases that
stemmed from their unbalanced diet, eating of impure foods, unclean
meats, and improper living habits.

God says if we would obey His laws, in truth and reality, we
could be spared from these modem "curses" of the industrial and
civilized world. Modern medicine, however, sadly ignores the laws of
God and His codes which would lead to radiant health. Read our
articles on "Bible Health Keys," and "The Lost Keys to Health." Also,
be sure to read our booklet, "Does God Heal Today?"

The Bible nowhere condemns the wise use of doctors, or
medicine, when a person is ill. In fact, Solomon wrote that a
"cheerful heart doeth good like a medicine." Herbs have been used to
facilitate healing since the beginning of time. However, not
everything in modern medical practice is necessarily wise or good.
"In a multitude of counselors there is wisdom," Solomon wrote.
Doctors are human, like everybody else.

Some medical procedures are very risky. Even vaccinations have
proved to be fatal to some people. Some people's lives have been
ruined and devastated by inept and unnecessary surgery.

Write for our booklet, "Does God Heal Today?" It provides a
balanced view of this subject!

#32 – "King of the South."

In my article "A New Look at Egypt in Prophecy! Who Is the
'King of the South'?", I make very plain that the Bible clearly shows
the future "king of the south" in prophecy will be Egypt, with its
allies. Since the time of Abdul Gamal Nasser, in the 1950's, Egypt
has regained its independence and has become a power among the Arab
nations. During the time span of Daniel 11, the "king of the south"
was always Egypt. In this end-time as well, many prophecies show that
Egypt is destined to play a major role in world affairs. The evidence
is plain as can be. Isaiah and Ezekiel also show that Egypt will play
a prominent role in the end-time as part of the "kingdom of the
south," an ARAB and MUSLIM kingdom. Egypt is SOUTH of Israel and the
most populous Arab/African nation today.

Write for the article, "Daniel 11 in Bible Prophecy," and
"Egypt in Prophecy -- Who Is the King of the South?"

#33 – Satan's Fate.

In my book Beyond Star Wars, published in 1978, I asked, "Will
the devil, and his angels, be ultimately destroyed? Or will their
spirits roam forever in the new universe that God will create?"

I go on to quote II Peter 3:10-13 to show that only
"righteousness" will dwell in that new heavens and new earth. I
explain, "There will be no trace of wickedness in that new world – not
the vaguest hint of wickedness (Rev.21:8). God will finally rid
himself of his arch enemy, this competitor, this arch villain, this
age-old rebel. Some believe that the devil, being a spirit creature,
cannot be destroyed or put to death, and that he will simply be cast
out into outer darkness, into the infinite regions of space, to foam
out his bitterness and hostility for ever."

I went on to explain, "But I am convinced that such is not the
case. Christ the Creator took on himself the nature and form of a
man, and suffered death – but was resurrected from the dead. Even so,
I believe it is certainly within the capability of the Creator God to
change Satan from a spirit being into flesh, or physical matter, and
then cremate his remains in the lake of fire so that nothing is left
but smoke and ashes – so there will be no vestige or hint of his
former existence in the New Age to come!" I then quote Malachi 4:1-4
and add, "The great Destroyer will eventually himself be destroyed"

When I wrote this passage, little did I perceive the furor it
would evoke in the minds of certain ministers in church I was
attending. One minister accused me of heresy! But the leaders of the
Church took no action. Subsequently, I wrote a full book entitled
Satan's Fate, on this remarkable subject, in which I put together
proofs and evidences from throughout the Bible showing conclusively
that Satan will be destroyed along with his wicked demons.

The Word of God is very clear on this subject, if we have an
open mind (see Isaiah 14:12-15; Ezek.28:16-19). God, the Creator, is
all-powerful. That which He can create, He is fully capable of
destroying. Even as a builder can destroy his building, or a man can
create an airplane, and then crash it, so the Omnipotent God can
create a being, inferior to Him, and destroy it if and when He so
chooses. The demons themselves know they can be destroyed (Mark
1:24). The lake of fire is prepared specifically for them
(Matt.25:41). The Moffatt translation even renders Psalm 82:7, "Yet,
like mere men, you shall die, you shall PERISH LIKE A DEMON'!

But Hebrews 2:14 cinches the case. Here we read that Jesus
Christ will "DESTROY . . . the devil"! The Greek word kartagoo
translated "destroy" in this verse means to literally abolish, render
null and void, cancel out, obliterate, destroy totally. For more
proof to back up these statements, be sure to read my reprinted
article, "What Is Satan's Fate?"

#34 -- Length of time Yeshua was in the Grave.

The Bible says Christ the Messiah was in the grave for "3
days and 3 nights" (Matt.12:40). What does this mean? How long was
Jesus Christ in the grave?

The plain fact is that when we study ALL the relevant evidence
from the Scriptures, Jesus Christ was crucified on Thursday, that
Friday was a high holy day, and He arose just before daybreak, Sunday
morning! The simple truth is 1) you cannot count 3 days and 3 nights
between a crucifixion Friday afternoon and a resurrection Sunday
morning, no matter how hard you try; and 2) if you count from
Wednesday, then Sunday would have been FOUR days after the
crucifixion, yet the gospel of Luke says it was THREE days afterwards
(Luke 24:21).

What few understand is that when Matthew wrote that Jesus would
be in the grave "three days and three nights" (Matt.12:40), he was
reckoning the days according to the Jewish method of counting – and
"parts" of a day could be considered a "day." Therefore from Thursday
afternoon, when Jesus died, we can count as follows: Thursday
afternoon (1 day), Thursday night (1 night); Friday (2nd day), Friday
night (2nd night); Sabbath day (3rd day), and Sabbath night (3rd
night), bringing us to just before sunrise, Sunday morning (compare
John 20:1; Luke 24:1; Matt.28:1).

New knowledge from astronomy shows us that the New Moon of the
month of Nisan, during the year of the crucifixion, 30 A.D., had to
fall on a Friday. Therefore, the Passover sacrifice day would have
been 14 days later, meaning the day the Passover was sacrificed (Nisan
14) fell on a Thursday, and the First Day of Unleavened Bread (Nisan
15) fell on Friday. To read the conclusive PROOF of these things,
write for our amazing article, "How Long Was Jesus Christ In the

#35 – The "Lord's Supper."

Some groups agree that Passover should be observed at the
end of Nisan 14, when the Jews keep it. But they ALSO add another
Feast, which they call "the Lord's Supper," on the beginning of Nisan
14, replacing the old "Passover" they used to observe at that time.
They claim that was the night Jesus was betrayed, when He gave the
symbols of bread and wine, and the foot-washing. Should God's people,
then, also observe the "Last Supper"? Is it all right to "ADD" a
Feast to God's festivals?

There are two problems with this view. 1) God forbids us
to add to or take away from His word (Deut.4:1-2; Deut.12:31-32). 2)
The "Lord's supper" did NOT occur the night before the crucifixion –
Christ was in prison on that night! Rather, it occurred the previous
night – that is, TWO nights before the crucifixion! The proof is
solid – incontrovertible.

A careful reconstruction of Jesus' last week demonstrates that
the modern churches have a serious misunderstanding of Jesus last
supper. It was not the Passover because it was held TWO DAYS PRIOR to
the Passover! It was not held the night before the crucifixion, as
many assume, but TWO nights before the crucifixion!

How do we know this? We know that Jesus was apprehended by the
authorities after praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, late in the
night. After this, He was taken before Annas the high priest and
interrogated, and then taken to Caiaphas the high priest as well, and
further questioned. At daybreak He was taken before the whole
Sanhedrin, judged, and condemned. Then, the next morning, at a
reasonable hour, He was taken before Pontius Pilate and accused.
Pilate discovered he was from Galilee, and sent Him to king Herod,
thinking to absolve himself from the controversy. But after being
questioned by Herod, Jesus was returned to Pilate's judgment seat. By
now, the apostle John tells us, "it was about the sixth hour – about
twelve o'clock noon" (John 19:14, Amplified Version).

Notice! Jesus was crucified on the stake at 9:00 AM in the
morning. We read in Mark's gospel, "And it was the third hour (about
NINE O'CLOCK in the morning) when they crucified him" (Mark 15:25).
Now if he was judged at NOON, but crucified at 9:00 AM, three hours
earlier, then the 9:00 AM crucifixion had to be the FOLLOWING DAY!!!
You cannot be crucified 3 hours earlier on the same day you're judged!

Counting backward then, since we know He was crucified Thursday
morning, He was judged by Pilate Wednesday at noon. This means the
"Last supper" had to be Tuesday evening. Wednesday night He spent in
the dungeon, after being beaten and scourged by the Roman soldiers.
Since He was crucified on Nisan 14, Thursday, the evening of Tuesday
would have been shortly after sunset, the beginning of Nisan 13, when
the "Last Supper" was held.

The proof of all these things is available in our free article,
"Astonishing, Profound New Look at Jesus' Last Week." Send for it and
study it carefully, and you will be dumfounded and amazed! Also read,
"The Sixth Hour? – When Was Christ Crucified?"

#36 – The Birth of Christ.

Although many Messianic believers and Christians believe
Christ was born in the fall of the year, perhaps at the Feast of
Tabernacles time, a careful analysis of the gospel accounts show that
He was born around the month of February! His ministry began when
He was about 30 years old, and lasted 3 years, so His death at
Passover had to be about 33 years after His birth – or near the time
of spring, not fall! Read the evidence in our article, "When Was
Yeshua Born?"

#37 – Wearing Cosmetics and Make-up.

God nowhere condemns a little use of cosmetics in His Word,
used for the right purposes, as in to hide a blemish or a scar. But
to dress up "fit to kill" with loads of make up, nail polish, ruby red
lipstick, and eye shadow, to "guild the lilly" as it were, would be
attracting attention to the SELF, and wrong. That is the way of
Jezebel, and the custom of HARLOTS.

Make up or cosmetics is nowhere mentioned in the Torah.
However, the whole emphasis in the Bible is on moderation in all
things, to avoid extremes. God's Word does not specifically prohibit
the use of make up or cosmetics. However, the Bible does mention the
example of ancient Jezebel, the idolatrous wife of king Ahab, who wore
heavy make up, attempting to seduce Jehu. We read, "she painted her
eyes, arranged her hair, and looked out of a window" (II Kings 9:30).

Here was an infamous example of using cosmetics in an evil
manner. However, the Scriptures do not condemn all use of make up or
cosmetics, only the wrong use of such things. One should not dress up
to look like a prostitute! God's women should be attired in modest
apparel (I Pet.3:1-6). Write for the article on "make up and

#38 – The Pharaoh of the Exodus.

Who was the Pharaoh of the Exodus? Whoever he was, the Bible
says he died and perished in the raging, foaming waters of the Red
Sea. Some teach that the Exodus Pharaoh was Amenhotep II and that he
lived another 16 years after the Exodus, and his mummy is in the Cairo
Museum, today! For the truth about this subject, read my article "Who
Was the Pharaoh of the Exodus?"

#39 – America and Britain in prophecy.

British Israelism and others teach that the United States
and Great Britain are descended from the the ancient House of Israel,
and the identity of Britain and the British Commonwealth as being
Ephraim and the United States as being Manasseh. New research has
invalidated this conclusion. They got it backwards!

Ephraim was the leading tribe of the northern kingdom of
Israel. Its leaders always had an antipathy toward the throne of
David. It was the "thirteenth tribe." Yet it was prophesied to become
the greatest! The Work of God was prophesied to go out from Ephraim
during the last days. Ephraim was prophesied to be a "union of
states" – and the UNION of the "UNITED STATES of America" has stood
the test of time, and is the most powerful UNION of states anywhere in
the world!

The number "13" is stamped all over America. Manasseh, on the
other hand, was prophesied to be "great" – and the very name of their
descendants today is "GREAT Britain"!

Ancient Manasseh was divided into two major portions – one east
of the Jordan River, and the other north of Ephraim. Today, the two
major nations of Manasseh once again are one to the EAST (Great
Britain), and one DUE NORTH of Ephraim – Canada, which is due north of
the United States!

In prophesying of the descendants of these two peoples, Moses
said that Manasseh would have his thousands, but Ephraim his ten
thousands (Deut.33:17). It is significant that the population of the
United States is more dm double that of all the other English-speaking
nations combined, and that its population compared to that of its
neighbor Canada is almost exactly a multiple of ten – just like Moses

For more intriguing information on this marvelous fulfillment of
Bible Prophecy, write for the article "Who Is The United States in
Prophecy?" Also, for proof that indeed our modern Anglo-Saxon nations
are descended from ancient Israel, write for my new book, AMERICA AND
GREAT BRITAIN – OUR IDENTITY REVEALED – Ephraim and Manasseh in the
End of Days.

#40 – Birthdays.

Should Christians celebrate birthdays? Though you look in the
Bible from Genesis to Revelation, you will find no mention anywhere of
any of the saints of God observing their birthdays. In fact, strange
as it may seem to many, even the exact date of the birth of Jesus
Christ is NOWHERE REVEALED in Scripture! The universal custom of
observing "Christmas" as the birth of Christ, on December 25th, is
acknowledged by all the historical authorities as having no basis in
actual fact. Jesus Christ was born nowhere near December 25th, in the
dead of winter.

If the very day of Jesus' birth is deliberately left out of the Bible,
doesn't that fact tell us something? If birthdays should be
celebrated, why did God leave the date of His own Son's birth out of
Holy Scripture?

The plain truth is that birth day celebrations are only mentioned
twice in the Scriptures – both times in reference to customs being
observed by unconverted people – a pagan Egyptian Pharaoh, and wicked
king Herod! On both occasions, somebody was put to death.

God inspired the prophet Jeremiah to write, "Hear ye the word which
the Lord speaketh unto you, O house of Israel: Thus saith the Lord,
Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of
the heaven (astrology!); for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the
customs of the people are vain" (Jeremiah 10:1-3).

God expressly commands His people not to follow in the ways, customs,
and practices of the heathen, pagan nations around them! Obviously,
therefore, the Word of God does NOT sanction or approve of celebrating

God is even more explicit. Celebrating birthdays was a particularly
Egyptian custom. God plainly commands His people, "After the DOING OF
THE LAND OF EGYPT, wherein ye dwelt, SHALL YE NOT DO" (Leviticus
18:3). Write for our article, "The Surprising Origin of Birthdays."
Obviously, however, this commandment is directed toward birthday
parties, as such – it is not wrong, in a small way, to give a present
or gift to a child or mate or father or mother on the anniversary of
their day of birth, or to have a special meal on that day.

41 – Holy Garments.

What about wearing of "holy garments," such as the prayer shawl, and
"fringes" upon the corners? Should Christians were tallits (prayer
shawls), or "fringes" ("tassels") on their garments? What about
wearing the Jewish "kippah"?

Notice what the word of God says about this matter:
"Again, the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, 'Speak to the children of
Israel: Tell them to make tassels on the corners of their garments
throughout their generations, and to put a blue thread in the tassels
of the corners. And you shall have the tassel, that you may look upon
it and remember all the commandments of the LORD to do them, and that
you may not follow the harlotry to which your own heart and your own
eyes are inclined, and that you may remember and do ALL My
commandments, and be HOLY for your God. I am the LORD your God, who
brought you out of the land of Egypt, to be your God: I am the LORD
your God" (Numbers 15:37-41).

God is very clear in His instructions. He says His
people are to wear unique tassels or fringes in the four corners of
their garments "throughout their generations." Have generations
ceased? Are people still being born? Of course.

Many people are ignorant of this commandment, and don't
realize that Jewish men often wear what is called a "prayer shawl," or
tallit, when attending the synagogue. It is an item of Jewish
clothing which fulfills this commandment. It has four fringes, called
tzitzyot, tied to its four corners, and is often worn in religious
services, in the synagogue, and during religious obligations and

Should true Christians also wear such clothing, or is this
commandment abolished? Note the words of Jesus: "Do not think I have
come to abolish the Law . . . I tell you the truth, until heaven and
earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a
pen, will be any means disappear from the Law until everything is
accomplished" (Matt.5:17-18, NIV).

Jesus Christ, or Yeshua, was a Jew, and lived a perfect
life. He set us an example of how we ought to live, in every way. He
was even baptized, setting us an example (Matt.3:13-17). The apostle
John tells us: "He who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk
just as He walked" (I John 2:6). Peter adds that Christ left "us an
example, that you should follow His steps" (I Pet.2:21).

Did Jesus Christ, our example and pattern for living a
holy life, therefore, wear "tassels" or "fringes" in the corners of
his garments? Yes, He did!

Therefore, this commandment is still valid and in force.
I wear a tallit during Bible study, or church services. God's Word
also says that women should wear a "hair covering" (I Cor.11). Do
these commands apply TODAY?

Write for our articles, "The Woman's Head Covering," "The
Fringes of the Law," and "Holy Garments." The 'kippah," however, was
not worn in Biblical times and derives from the Dark Ages, as a custom
of Jews living in Babylon! We do not follow that custom.

#42 – The Prophetic Plan and Timetable.

Is God working out a 6,000 year plan here on earth?

The apostle Peter writes, in the New Testament, "But,
beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that ONE DAY is with the
Lord as a THOUSAND YEARS, and a thousand years as ONE DAY. The Lord
is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but
is long-suffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but
that all should come to repentance" (II Peter 3:8-10).

When the Messiah returns, He will inaugurate a millennial
kingdom lasting one thousand years. (Rev.20:1-3). This "millennial
rest" of 1,000 years is termed a "Sabbath" rest (Hebrew 4:9). If the
Millennium is compared to a Sabbath day, which is the seventh day of
the week, then it stands to reason that each of the previous six days
are a thousand years each, showing thwat there would be approximately
6,000 years from the time of Creation until the second coming of the

The belief that there would be about 6,000 years for the
time of man, till the Messiah, was a common belief of the ancient
Jewish people, and of the early Christian church, and is mentioned
very plainly in the Epistle of Barnabus. For more information on this
fascinating subject, write for our article, "6000 Years and Beyond –
Are We Nearing the End of the Age?"

#43 – The Omer. "And you shall count . . ." (Lev.23:15).

God says, "And y0u shall count from the day after the
sabbath [the Passover high holyday] , from the day that you brought
the sheaf [Hebrew, omer, consisting of 5.1 pints of barley grain] of
the wave offering seven sabbaths; seven full weeks shall they be;
counting fifty days to the day after the seventh sabbath [week]"
(Lev.23:15-16, Amplified Bible).

What is this mysterious command all about? Is this
something which applies to true Christians and believers in Christ
today? Or is this just something that concerned ancient Israel?

In Deuteronomy, God commands, "YOU shall COUNT seven
weeks; begin to NUMBER the seven weeks from the time you begin to put
the sickle to the standing grain" (Deut.16:9, Amplified Bible). Notice
that God commands His people to COUNT THE OMER during the fifty days,
from Passover until Pentecost -- numbering off the days consecutively
– until they reach the Feast of Shavuot, or Pentecost! He commands us
to DO IT -- for a great and overriding purpose!

Why? What does the "Omer" represent? And why are we
commanded to "count" it off for seven times seven or forty nine days,
till Pentecost arrives, on the fiftieth day? This is a great mystery
to most people, but the Jews have gleaned much significance from this
commandment, as they have studied it and obeyed it, every year, in
their homes and synagogues!

If you would like to understand the mystery of the
counting of the Omer, and how it applies to true Christians who desire
to obey and live by "every word of God" (Matt.4:4; Luke 4:4), as Jesus
Christ commanded, then write for our two articles, "The Mystery of the
Omer," and "Sefirat Ha Omer – The Key to Overcoming."

#44 – Angels, Women, and Giants.

Did Angels cohabit with women before the Flood? This very
controversial question is answered in the affirmative in the
Scriptures, ancient Jewish works, and was believed by the early

Many ancient sources testify that fallen angels, under the
influence of Lucifer, led a revolt against the God of heaven, and
violated His laws which ordain that there must be no inter-breeding
between different "kinds" or "species" among the created beings of the

The Bible itself bears witness to this fact, in Genesis
6:1-4, where we read: "The sons of God saw that the daughters of men
were fair, and they took wives of all that they desired and chose. .
.There were giants in the earth in those days – and also afterward –
when the sons of God lived with the daughters of men, and they bore
CHILDREN to them" (Amplified Parallel Bible). The Septuagint Version
has this verse, "the sons of God (Alexandrian, ANGELS of God) having
seen the daughters of men." Josephus, in Antiquities of the Jews,
says, "for many angels of God accompanied with women, and begat sons
that proved unjust, and despisers of all that was good, on account of
the confidence they had in their own strength, for the tradition is
that these men did what resembled the acts of those whom the Grecians
called GIANTS" (Jos., Ant., Bk.1, III, 1). Says the translator
William Whiston, in a footnote, "This notion, that the fallen angels
were, in some sense, the fathers of the old giants, was the constant
opinion in antiquity."

Angels are called the "sons of God" in the book of Job:
"Now there was a day when the sons (ANGELS) of God came to present
themselves before the Lord, and Satan (the adversary and accuser) also
came among them" (Job 1:6). In fact, when God created the heavens and
the earth, "the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God
shouted for joy" (Job 38:7). Did some of these angels rebel against
God and have sex with women? Read our revealing booklet, "Angels,
Women, Angels, Giants, UFOs and the Occult – What On Earth Is Going

#45 – Saul, the Witch of Endor, and Spirits.

Did the witch of Endor bring up Samuel the prophet from
the grave? Most teach that it was only a demon masquerading as
"Samuel." Yet the Scriptures repeatedly say it was Samuel himself!
What happens to the "spirits" of the righteous dead? What is
"spirit," anyway? What is the "soul"? God's Word says spirit cannot
"die" (II Cor.4:18). Yet man has a "spirit" (Eccl.12:7). Read the
truth about these events in our articles, "Saul and the Witch of
Endor," "Life After Death?", and "The Spirit in Man."

#46 – the Truth about Hell – it IS "everlasting"!

Many believe that the wicked sinners will roast in hell
"forever and ever." Others claim that when the wicked are cast into
the lake of Gehenna fire, they will "perish" completely. If so, then
what happens to their 'spirit'? It is true that the Scriptures speak
in several places of "eternal fire" and "eternal punishment." How can
we equate the fact that "the soul that sins, it shall DIE" (Ezek.18:4)
with the wicked being cast into "everlasting fire" (Matt.25:41)? Is
hell-fire literal? Eternal? To solve this paradox, read our article,
'Is Hell Everlasting?"

#47 – The European Union (or ten future states of Europe) is NOT the
Beast of Revelation, or the power that attacks America and Great

My former church, led by Herbert Armstrong, taught that a
union of nations in Europe led by Germany will launch a nuclear
blitzkrieg against America and Britain, destroying our nations and
bringing us into captivity. Many of its off-shoot branches today
still believe this teaching. However, it is not true!

Rather, the soon coming "Beast power" is to be the "New
World Order" which will INCLUDE the United States and Great Britain.
It will be a remake of the United Nations, soon to be strengthened,
revamped, and militarized. Read the truth in our articles, "The
Beast, Seven Heads and Ten Horns," and "Daniel Seven and the New World
Order in Prophecy!" and "Daniel 2 and the Panorama of Prophecy."

#48 – The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and the Return of Christ.

Will Christ return soon? YES! His coming is right around
the corner!

Many today think He may not come for another 1,000 years.
Others say about 40 or 50 years. Still others believe another 20-30

I believe the truth is more likely another 7 to 10 years!
Although this is not set in concrete, or a matter of "setting" a
particular date, many today are afraid to study the evidence, and to
even "speculate" on such matters. It is TRUE that no man can know the
"day or the hour," nevertheless, we CAN know the approximate time, if
we are wise and understanding and obedient to God's laws and
commandments (see Daniel 12:9-10).

Read our articles, "Jacob's Troubles," "Four Horsemen of
the Apocalypse," "Armageddon," "2012 in Prophecy," and "Will Christ
Return in a Jubilee Year?"

It's Time to WAKE UP!

I feel truly like a "voice in the wilderness," crying aloud, like
an eagle in the sky, shrieking a warning. But hardly anybody seems to
care, hardly anybody is concerned or alarmed. The Church of God is
going astray, diving off the deep end, straight into the Great
Tribulation, and nobody, it seems, gives a faint care.

Where are the real people of God? Will the REAL SERVANTS OF GOD

Apostasy has set in, and thousands are sound asleep, not wanting
to be disturbed by any loud, shouting, angry, thundering voice. "Shut
up!" the people exclaim. "We don't want to hear it!" As Isaiah put
it, "This is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will
not hear the law of the LORD: Which say to the seers, See not; and to
the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth
things, prophesy deceits, get you out of the way, turn aside out of
the path, cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us"
(Isaiah 30:9-11).

Sometimes, like Elijah who thought he was the only one left
really serving God, I wonder, "Where have all the true people of God
gone?" Elijah told God, "I, even I only, am left" (I Kings 19:14).

Somehow the Word of God has gotten buried in the Churches,
today. Oh, people give lip service to it; they still quote from it
all the time, particularly during sermons; but they utilize the same
passages over and over again. Their religion has become largely a
rote process of memorization, obedience, and thoughtless subservience.

God thunders in His Word: "Thou shalt NOT FOLLOW A MULTITUDE to
do evil" (Exo.23:2). The Good News Bible has it, "Do not follow the
MAJORITY when they do wrong or when they give testimony that perverts

Rather than simply follow blindly along, when our leaders go
astray, what does God say we should do? God says, "Thou shalt not
hate thy brother in thine heart: thou shalt in any wise REBUKE THY
NEIGHBOR, and not suffer sin upon him" (Lev.19:17).

God's Word condemns those who follow a multitude into error, who
blindly follow their blind leaders to destruction. God commands all
of us, "Open rebuke is better than secret love" (Prov.27:5). Solomon
also wrote, "Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an
enemy are deceitful" (verse 6).

God further warns us, "A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and
hideth himself; but the simple pass on, and are punished"

Do you see the danger – the evil? Will you hide yourself, and
escape the peril that lies ahead? Or will you, like the simpleton, go
merrily on your way, blind to every danger, with supreme confidence in
human leaders that cause you to err?

God commands, "Cease, my son, to hear the instruction that
causeth to err from the words of knowledge" (see Prov. 19:27). God
adds, "Judgments are prepared for scorners, and stripes for the back
of fools" (verse 29). Will you scorn this warning?

God Almighty says, "The fear of the Lord is to HATE EVIL: pride,
and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate"
(Prov.8:13). Do you hate evil so much that you refuse to compromise
with it? Do you refuse to go along with error and false instruction?

Do you have the attitude of the Bereans who "received the word
with all readiness of mind, and SEARCHED THE SCRIPTURES DAILY, whether
these things were so" (Acts 17:11).

Are you careful and cautious to "prove all things," as the
apostle Paul was inspired to instruct us? (I Thess.5:21). Consider
these things well. Your eternal life and destiny and salvation could
well hang on your answer!


After being a member of the Radio and Worldwide Church of God for
THIRTY YEARS, I parted company with the Church in January, 1987. Why?
How could such an incredible thing happen?

I attended Ambassador College from 1959 and graduated in 1963,
and received a Master of Arts degree in theological journalism in
1970. From 1963 till 1974 I worked for the Worldwide Church of God,
and was a pioneer member of the fledgling editorial department and
became associate editor of the Plain Truth magazine, the Good News
magazine, Tomorrow's World magazine, and the Ambassador College
Correspondence Course. During my tenure with the Church I wrote
approximately one hundred articles, booklets, and correspondence
course lessons, besides thousands of letters when I worked in the
Personal Correspondence Department

But today I am no longer a member of the Worldwide Church of God!
How could such a dramatic change occur? What happened? Simple. In
January 1987, one year after Herbert Armstrong died, the new leader
Joseph Tkach had me thrown out – disfellowshiped me and "MARKED" me as
a heretic to be avoided and spurned.

But that occasion was really my being SET FREE – at LIBERTY!
Read my article, "My Own Personal Story."

Jesus Christ said, "The TRUTH shall make you FREE" (John 8:32).
The apostle Paul warned that the time would come when many would be
deceived and "perish; because they received not the LOVE of the truth"
(II Thess.2:10).

The Phillips Translation says, "Evil is ALREADY INSIDIOUSLY at
work . . ." (11 Thess.2:7). Very strong delusion has come upon this
earth – "with evil's undiluted power to deceive" (v. 10). Because
sends upon them, therefore, the FULL FORCE of evil's delusion, so that
they put their faith in an UTTER FRAUD and meet the inevitable
judgment of all who have REFUSED to believe the truth and who have
made evil their playfellow" (verses 10-12).

How much do YOU love the truth? If you were to find the Church
were in error, would you follow it into ERROR, or cling to the TRUTH,
even if the Church rejected it?

The End-Time Apostasy!

Blindness has come upon the leaders of the various remnants of
the Church of God, today. Isaiah foretold it when he wrote, "Go ahead
and be stupid! Go ahead and be blind! Get drunk without any wine!
Stagger without drinking a drop!" (Isa.29:9, Good News Bible). Jesus
said if the BLIND FOLLOW THE BLIND, they both fall into the ditch
(Matt.15:14). Only a blind man would knowingly follow another blind

In the original Hebrew, God commands us Lo sakir paunim, which
means, "Do not recognize the face" (Deut.1:17). That means, be
impartial in judgment. Follow the truth, no matter what! Don't follow
a man into error! The Good News Bible says, "Show no partiality in
your decisions; judge everyone on the same basis, no matter who he
is." The King James Version says: "Ye shall not respect persons in
judgment; but ye shall hear the small as well as the great; ye shall
not be afraid of the face of man; for the judgment is God's."

Are you willingly to judge the evidence impartially, without
regard to a man's "face," position, authority, or power? You may not
know me, personally, but will you GIVE THE TRUTH A CHANCE? Will you
allow me to present the EVIDENCE to you, even though I was denied a
hearing by the present leadership of the Worldwide Church of God?

Don't be like the ostrich with its head stuck in the sand. Don't
play the fool, and err exceedingly, as Saul did. Saul bitterly
confessed, when it was too late, "Surely I have acted like a fool and
have erred greatly" (I Sam.26:21, NIV).

What about you? If you would like to understand the PLAIN TRUTH
– truth you can easily PROVE to your own satisfaction – on these
vitally important subjects; if you don't want men to lead you around
by the nose, and make a FOOL out of you; if you desire to truly SEEK
GOD and value highly His TRUTH – then be sure to write for the above
articles and booklets. They will OPEN YOUR EYES!

HOW To Save Yourselves

Let's notice again, Paul's admonition in I Thessalonians 5:21.
Here it is, in various translations:

"Prove all things; hold fast that which is good" (I
Thess.5:21, KJV).

"Test everything. Hold on to the good" (NIV).

"Never disdain prophetic revelations but test them
all, retaining

what is good and abstaining from whatever kind is
evil" (Moffatt).

"But test everything that is said to be sure it is
true, and if it is,

then accept it" (Living Bible).

"On the other hand, don't be gullible. Check out
everything, and

keep only what's good" (The New Testament in
Contemporary English).

"Put all things to the test: keep what is good and
avoid every kind

of evil" (Good News Bible).

"But test everything; hold fast to what is good" (New Revised

Standard Version).

"But test and prove all things [until you can
recognize] what is good;

[to that] hold fast" (Amplified Bible).

What about you? How seriously will you take these admonitions
from the Word of the living God? How important is salvation, truly,
to you? How earnestly will you take these things to heart and "work
out your own salvation, with fear and trembling" (Phil.2:12)?

Let's read that in the Amplified Version:

"Work out – cultivate, carry out to the goal and
fully complete –your

own salvation with reverence and awe and trembling

that is, with serious caution, tenderness of
conscience, watchfulness

against temptation; timidly shrinking from whatever
might offend

God and discredit the name of Christ]. [Not in your
own strength]

for it is God Who is all the while effectually at
work in you –

energizing and creating in you the power and desire –
both to will

and to work for His good pleasure and satisfaction and delight"

(Philippians 2:12-13).

Yes, what about you, my friend? How important is it to
you? Will you bear the weight, make the effort, and begin to STUDY
the Scriptures and to "PROVE" the truth of what you believe, practice,
and teach to others?

How important is true righteousness in your sight?
Your eternal life is at stake! Save yourself from the errors of
this wicked generation!

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